My Birthday Meal | The Thai Terrace, Guildford

I had been here just once before to try it out before ‘hosting’ my meal here. As you enter the restaurant (located on the 7th floor) there is a lounge bar (see below) where you can have a few chilled drinks before your meal.
I also love the big bay windows which run along the side of the restaurant that boast views over Guildford. They do have a heated terrace and sofas outside but it’s a wee bit cold for that this time of year…
On Saturdays they run dinner by 2 sittings. One at 6pm one at 9.15pm.
We all met in the lounger bar at about 8pm, had a cocktail (or two), a gossip, a browse through the menu and by the time 9pm came we were all ready to be seated and… well… stuff our face.
But that’s not a very lady like thing to say is it?
Now I did my bit and promoted the best starter going…
Prawn Crackers with THE YUMMIEST peanut dip.
Tender, soft duck with the most beautiful tangy sauce that complimented it perfectly.
I also had my favourite side – coconut rice.
Everything that was coming out of the kitchen just looked amazing.
The traditional Phad Thai dish with King Prawns.
As i was surrounded by all this Thai food, Thai staff and perfect company I couldn’t help but reminisce about my travels… they even have a tuk tuk as you enter the restaurant (those of you that have been to Thailand will know what i’m on about- otherwise google it).
Now I am no stranger to a camera or a wee bit of attention, but cake time came and I was swamped.
My lovely lovely friends had made me a couple of yummy birthday goodies, so we didn’t go for the pudding, but i’ll save trying the puddings for my return.
First up was a creation from Flo + Na 🙂
…and then cupcakes by Beanie (you may remember our baking session – White Chocolate and Cranberry cookie cups)…
If you like the look of these cupcakes head over to her blog 🙂 Beanies Bakes
Champagne, cupcakes + friends. I personally couldn’t think of a better combination?