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10 Reasons I Prefer Hostels to Hotels

Updated On 25th August, 2016

There are many occasions on which I prefer Hostels to Hotels, infact more often than not I find that I do.

I guess it totally depends on what type of vibe i’m seeking out on my trip. If i’m looking for peace, relaxation and infinity pools then hostels aren’t, obviously, going to deliver on that front. But if i’m looking for a base to rest my head at a minimal cost, for a fun friendly environment or to be surrounded by like minded people – hostels are the ONE.

When I explore somewhere new I, personally, don’t want to be sat in my room justifying the cost it inflicted upon my bank account. I want somewhere to keep my stuff safe and a pillow to call my own but that’s about it. I’d rather spend the money on epic adventures and activities to pursue in the day.

Reasons I Prefer Hostels To Hotels | Where's Mollie? A UK Travel And Lifestyle Blog

I totally get that as I get older, less interested in nightlife, and more interested in a luxury mattress that my choices will change but for now…

I’m young, active and ready to see as much of the world as my bank account will allow!

{and hostels are the key to doing so!}

Here are my ’10 Reasons I Prefer Hostels To Hotels’

1. It’s normal for everyone to just get involved

Hostels don’t pride themselves on lavish, open spaces. It’s all about getting maximum use of space in order to deliver the cheapest cost to you as a traveller. Some may call find this intrusive of personal space but I call it a friendly atmosphere. Everyone just gets involved…In conversations, in drinking games and in plans. It’s also less awkward and intimidating starting conversation with people because you’ll probably be sat on the table just next to them and it wont require making a bold walk over from the other side of the room.

2. Hostels are cheaper!

If, like me, you just want somewhere (as cheap as possible) to rest your head because you plan to be out exploring – hostels cater for exacty that type of traveller. Some are actually just as nice as hotels, and some are not {do your research if you’re fussy}. Hostels are simply easier on the bank account meaning you can spend more money on incredible activities and experiences in the city. Most hostels even include FREE breakfast and WIFI in the price per night.

Reasons I Prefer Hostels To Hotels | Where's Mollie? A UK Travel And Lifestyle Blog

3. Great Conversation

It’s pretty much a given that, unless you hide under the covers during your stay, you’ll meet someone from another country and conversation will lead to a sharing of stories, funny mistakes and bad choices made along both your journeys. Travellers have the best stories, period.


Most people staying in hostels will be backpackers, long term travellers or people that just know how to have a good time and know where to find it (*cough* me.. hahah!). Hostels are a meeting place for like minded, open minded, carefree travellers and you can guarantee, should you seek it, you won’t be tucked up in bed by 10 counting sheep.

Reasons I Prefer Hostels To Hotels | Where's Mollie? A UK Travel And Lifestyle Blog

5. Perfect for solo travellers

As a solo traveller, staying in a hotel can mean you remain isolated in your {lovely but boring} hotel room and will probably sit alone in the hotel bar whilst couples pre drink before their romantic dinners out together. Hotels are great, but the majority can’t compare with hostels on the social side of things. Hostels arent at all intimidating for solo travellers and are actually MADE for them. The hostel I recently stayed at in Amsterdam, Flying Pigs {see my review here}, was the perfect example of a Solo Travellers ideal accom.
I know when I finally get to extend my solo travelling later this year that I will be hitting hostels STRAIGHT UP.
Reasons I Prefer Hostels To Hotels | Where's Mollie? A UK Travel And Lifestyle Blog

6. You’ll have new homes all over the world

There’s something about the backpacking community. When in each others company we feel don’t feel the need to have barriers up or to impress each other. We are all on the same level, stripped back down to the basics and after a couple of drinks you’re pretty much best friends with the dude sat next to you. Before you know it, youre dancing the night away and planning trips to visit eachothers home countries. Honestly. I dont know what it is, but it’s true.
Backpackers… you hear me?

7. Cheap drinks galore!

Aside from saving money on accomodation, hostels usually have an in house bar where they sell drinks made for the budget travellers staying in them. Yes they may be local spirits, cheap chasers + not in your finest china but… when you’re backpacking, do you really care? Absolutely not.

8. Free Tour Guides!

Hostels are filled with knowledgeable travellers that have travelled from all over and are all ready to share their tips and tricks because they know how useful such information is to them. Read as many tour books and guides as you like but citys are ever changing and theres no advice like that from someone who has just been there.

9. You can opt for a little luxury but reap all the benefits!

 If you dont want to sway away from the unique and unmissable vibe and culture within hostels but maybe your travel partner doesnt fancy sharing a room with two australians, a canadian and 5 europeans (that was a totally random example), you can still stay in a hostel but opt for your own space with a private room. No excuses now hey? 😉
Photo: My Private Twin Room in Amsterdam at St.Christophers @ The Winston
Reasons I Prefer Hostels To Hotels | Where's Mollie? A UK Travel And Lifestyle Blog

10. Cracking Location

Hostels are made for budget travellers or for travellers that are unlikely to have access to cars / private transport. For that reason they are usually located very centrally or in a prime location to hop on to public transport into the centre. Either way you’ll have easy, simple access to the main attractions and the hostels workers are always keen to help you with any futher directions.


Have you guys stayed in many hostels? What are your favourite things about them?

Thank you for reading <3

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Love as always + happy adventuring,

Mollie x





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