Full Moon Journal Prompts for 2024

Hello full moon. It’s lovely to see you again. If you’ve arrived here and are looking for some guidance on how to use the energy of the Full Moon this month to step intuitively into the next phase of your life as the moon moves into hers, you’re in the right place. In this post, I’m going to guide you through a list of full-moon journal prompts, full-moon reflections and the full-moon ritual I like to do each month.
Yes, there is a full moon every month. Well, every 29.5 days to be exact.
The Moon takes 27.3 days to orbit Earth, but the lunar phase cycle (from new Moon to new Moon) is 29.5 days.
These are full moon journal prompts that you can do every month but of course, if you’re looking to dive a little deeper (look at you getting cyclical), you can research what sign the full moon is in to see exactly what it’s illuminating and tailor your prompts accordingly.
If you’re just looking for a few quick journal prompts today, let’s dive in!
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Full moon dates for 2024…
Note: These full moon 2022 calendar dates are for the UK. Full moons occur at different times depending on your location, you can research online for the exact time and date of the Full moon where you are…
- January 25th at 12:54
- February 24th at 07:30
- March 26th at 03:00
- April 23rd at 19:49
- May 23th at 09:53
- June 21th at 21:08
- July 21th at 06:17
- August 19th at 14:26
- September 17th 22:34
- October 17th at 07:26
- November 15th at 16:28
- December 15th at 04:02
So what happens at the full moon?
The moon has eight phases and the full moon is the fifth of them. The full moon is when we see the moon ‘fully’ illuminated and at it’s brightest in the sky. At full moon, the moon is on the opposite side of the earth to the sun and so the near side of the moon is illuminated by the suns light.
Where the new moon represents the beginning of a new cycle, the full moon (5th phase) represents a clearing and release.
See my New Moon Journal Prompts for 2024 here.
In the lead up to a full moon, the moon is considered in its waxing phase (the illumination of the moon is increasing). This is where we bring about those new moon intentions, this is where we feel the forward momentum and the energy to drive our manifestations into our reality. When the full moon arrives, it’s then time to take a moment to assess the progress you have made.
When the full moon arrives this month, it is a perfect time to reflect and rest. A full moon is a perfect time to write down a list of all the things you’ve bought into your life in the last two weeks and to think about what feels good and what doesn’t. What’s aligned with your energy and what hasn’t. Having a full moon calendar to hand and creating a monthly full moon routine is a powerful way to take a rain check on your energy and the energy you are entertaining. Bringing this into consciousness will allow you to see clearly what’s serving you and what is taking up space.
The full moon is a time of cleansing. It’s a time to surrender, release and let go of what is no longer aligned with us energetically.
When the full moon this month comes around, it’s a perfect time to dig out your journal and get writing.
Journaling is a wonderful way to check-in with yourself and really validate everything you’ve been through and everything you’d like to manifest.
If you’re completely new to journaling, see my beginner’s guide to journaling here. If you’re looking for some other wellbeing ideas and practices click here.
With these full moon journal prompts you will create a dedicated space in which you can:
- put your ideas out to the universe
- dream big
- create actions towards your goals
- think about how you’d like the next month to look
- embrace the potent energy of a full moon
- manifest your soul’s purpose
- release energetic ties that stand in your way
These are just a few of the themes we will work through in these full moon journals prompts.
Note: the 48 hours after a full moon phase begins is considered the most powerful time to practise this full moon ritual.
To get started you will need:
- a journal / paper
- a pen
- a comfortable space to sit / lie down
- a cup of tea / your favourite cosy drink
I always like to create/be in a calm and cosy space when I’m journaling. Consider heading into nature for a walk and doing your journaling on a bench by the ocean / in the forest / in the fresh air. If you’re journaling at home, light a candle / some incense or pop on your diffuser.
You can shop all my favourite wellbeing home accessories here.
P.s. If you’re looking to dive in deeper to the phases of the moon on a more frequent basis, my favourite moon angels to follow on Instagram are @tarraleerullo and @kirsty_gallagher_.
Full Moon journal prompts and ritual for 2024…
1. Begin your journaling session by taking 7-10 deep inhales and exhales​
Take a minute or two to really centre yourself before you begin journaling. Leave the energy of your day behind and release all that you don’t wish to carry into this full moon ritual with you.
By breathing in through your nose you activate your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and you signal to your body that it’s time to slow down, relax and restore your energy.
This is a beautiful and powerful place to journal from.
2. What did I welcome into my life in the past two weeks? ​
Firstly, as we reach this point in the moon cycle, let’s acknowledge our energetic intentions from the new moon. What energy did you draw in? What did you see walk into your life since you journaled the new moon?
It might be more of a certain emotion? A new person? A familiar/old friend? Relationship dynamic? A new job? Hobby?
Make note of the new energetic additions to your life.
3. I notice that *** made me feel ***.
Take note of how each of the above additions made you feel. How did you react to their appearance? Did you feel aligned to it, did you feel resistant? What did you notice about yourself and the way you interacted with the events and people in the last couple of weeks?
4. This full moon I am feeling…
Fill in the blank and expand your thoughts…
What effect do the people around you have on your mood? Your energy? Are you choosing your company? Are you aligning with your company? Whats adding to your lift? Whats draining you?
What do you feel has been illuminated within yourself that you need to honour and find some space around?
It might be that you need to honour your need for more space when you feel overwhelmed. You might need to honour the sadness that keeps coming up within you that you’ve been trying to push down and through.
Think about an emotion that you are experiencing that maybe you have a tendency to deny yourself of feeling. Expand and bring it into the light.
5. This month I surrender to…
What do you need to surrender to this month?
A huge amount of the pain we experience in our lives is due to the resistance we hold to the now, to the present moment and to what is.
Truth is, we cannot control the things that unfold around us but we can surrender to them and make wise, informed decisions about how we react and move through them.
Where do you feel resistance in your life? Where could you let go and surrender a little more?
Ask the universe for what you need at this full moon and soften into your power.
6. I am proud of myself for stepping into my power when…
Celebrate something you have done, achieved or moved through this last month.
What are you proud of? What situation did you handle really well? What lesson did you learn and empower yourself with? What did that lesson teach you?
How are you going to use that power more in your life?
7. I dream of… 3 energetic ties I need to release to move closer towards my dreams are…
In my eyes, we only have a certain amount of energy available and when we leave our energy tied to things that do not serve us, we hold ourselves back from using that energy to create our future dreams.
As hard as cutting ties to emotions, situations, relationships, friendships and corners of your world feels… it is essential to make space for your next chapter to enter your life.
You don’t have to make big decisions or have big conversations here. Think about the little things that you can release yourself from that might be weighing you down. Don’t look up at the staircase, focus on the step in front of you.
What can you release to feel more freedom in your life?
8. As I move towards my dream and imagine my dream coming true I feel…
Write down the words that come to your mind when you think about moving towards and reaching that dream of yours.
How does it make you feel? What words come to mind?
If you’re not feeling much, take a few deep breaths and read your dream again. If it’s not aligning with you or you have a bigger one that maybe you’ve denied yourself… write down another dream. There are no limits to the dreams you can have.
Just so long as you’re honest with yourself and you give yourself permission to believe it is possible. You don’t need to know how or when it will happen, you just need to think about what your dream is…
9. Choose your wildest dream and close your eyes. Imagine it to be true.
If you wrote down more than one dream, it’s time to choose one. The wildest one. The one you’re drawn to most…
Now close your eyes and place your hands on your heart. Imagine that dream coming to life.
What does it feel like? What does it look like? Who’s there? What’s the weather like? What are you wearing? What can you hear? What can you smell?
Our bodies are objective and cannot tell the difference between the thoughts of something happening and the reality of something happening. The reactions within the body are the same if you truly tune your thoughts and visions into that dream.
The power then lies in the fact you have consciously raised your vibrations to the frequency of your dream and when you continue to vibrate at this frequency, your dreams and the steps to take will begin to move effortlessly into your life.
10. Write down this full moon affirmation (or one of your own) and say it out loud
‘Every day I am walking towards my dream life. I surrender to the road I walk. I release all of the energy, to which I am bound, that no longer serves me and I feel the freedom as I walk away from the energies that no longer match my vibration. I am capable of becoming anything I dream to be. I simply must begin by believing it. When I walk forward with faith, the universe always delivers.’
11. Close your full moon ritual with a meditation/breathwork exercise
You’ve done some powerful work here. It’s time to finish your full moon ritual by integrating and sitting with everything you’ve journaled in this session.
This is a perfect time to meditate, put on a guided breathwork practice or to simply take a few deep, long breaths as we did at the beginning of this practice.
Thank you for joining me!
Are there any other full moon journal prompts that you use?
We’d love to hear your ideas to enhance our new moon journal prompts and new moon rituals.
Love as always and happy adventuring,
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