Instagram Polaroids – DIY ♡
Link up your Instagram to the website in a couple of clicks, choose between 12, 24 and 48 of your photos to print, and then pay.
It’s soooo quick and simple – I went for 48 which was £12. I believe 24 are £9.
They arrived in a couple of days and they even slid in a little Maoam with it. HOW CUTE.
(it’s the little things right?)
Okay so with mine I wanted to decorate my bedroom wall so here’s what I used.
♡ BluTack ‘Glu dots’ (64 in a pack)(got mine from Tesco)
♡ Polaroids
♡ Sharpie pen (optional)
Firstly, I lay out the design of what I wanted on my bed. I then rearranged the polaroids so that I didnt for example have too many Black & White ones clumped together…
I then took a sticky dot at a time, peeled back the paper side…
stuck it onto the top middle (on the back) of the polaroid, and then peeled off the plastic side…
I then stuck it straight onto the wall.
Now I was going to be arty and just stick them randomly which would have looked cool but my tidy side kicked in and I got a tape measure and jotted a couple of pencil marks to keep them all inline instead…
10 photos (length) x 4 photos (height)
It’s like after all that hard work the guys at Polargram knew we were gunna need a sugar fix.
Que. The MAOAM.
Apart from a few bits to clear up it’s a pretty quick jobby to do!
(I decided to not use the sharpie, but i figured i could always go back and write on them if i changed my mind.)