My top tips when planning your adventure in Austria
Heading to Austria soon? Looking for some Austria travel tips?
There are always things that I find out in any given destination that I had no idea about prior to visiting, or that online research failed to inform me about. These are usually pretty useful or detrimental things too. Well, that’s exactly why I’m here! It’s pretty much outlined in my job description to go on adventures and document alllllll the tips, tricks and shortcuts for you, so that the knowledge is in your hands for when you visit.
The same applied to my recent trip to Vorarlberg, Austria. So, naturally, there are a few things I’d like to share with you to help you plan your travels through Austria in the most epic way possible.

Here are my top 10 Austria travel tips…
1. Currency: Euros (€)
Basic knowledge but essential.
2. Language: German
German is the most widely spoken language in Austria, but there are numerous dialects within the language. One of my top tips for travelling in Austria would be to learn some key phrases. English is very widely spoken in big cities like Vienna, but less so in the countryside. Besides, it’s nice to make an effort in the local language and not rely on English all the time! Here are some key phrases to get you started:
- hallo (hello)
- guten Tag/ Morgen (good day/ morning)
- danke (thank you)
- bitte (please)
- ja (yes)
- nein (no)
- Sprechen Sie Englisch? (Do you speak English?)
Most people do speak at least a little bit of English, but there were definitely places in Vorarlberg that didn’t have English menus etc. Nothing too hard to handle though – it’s all part of the adventure, right?
3. Get the correct road badge for your road trip.
If you touch down and land into one of the neighbouring countries, like I did in Zurich, Switzerland, and you hire a car to drive into Austria, bear in mind that you will need to purchase an additional road badge when you get to the Swiss/Austrian border. The car will be equipped with the road badge for the given country in which you hire it, but not for the next.
For a 10-day road badge to drive through Austria it was €8. You can purchase one from any petrol station before, at or just after the border crossing. If you drive without one you can face €200+ fines.
Did you know you can purchase the road vignette online? Purchase yours here.
4. Extend your road trip.
You definitely want to make time to visit multiple places when you’re in Austria. I’m not saying you have to drive across the whole country in fear of missing out, but it is only a 6-hour drive from Vorarlberg (mountain central) to Vienna (the largest city and capital). If time allows, consider extending your adventure beyond one destination in Austria and do a mix of city and mountain life.
Explore Austria on my blog here
5. Make it an international adventure.
Extend your road trip beyond Austria, and head to its neighbouring countries! I am so desperate to do this! If you have some extra time on your hands consider the nearby likes of Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland when planning your trip. I would have absolutely loved to continue on through Tyrol and down through Italy!
6. Take hiking shoes.
There are simply too many incredible hikes to miss out on in Austria. Check some of my Vorarlberg trails out here. Difficulties of trails vary but there is certainly something for everyone and usually an option to get a cable car the majority of the way up. So even if you don’t consider yourself fit or capable, you don’t have to miss out on the epic views.
Check out my beginner’s guide to hiking here.
7. Pay attention to hiking signs.
You’ll see little coloured rectangles painted on the trees and signs whilst you’re hiking. White-red-white means the trail is of medium difficulty, white-blue-white means translates to a difficult trail that could require scrambling or assistance.
8. There’s lots of cheese.
Prepare yourself! And make sure you take some home with you!
9. Wear sun protection every day.
If you’re out hiking, biking or just enjoying the mountains for the day, be sure to remember your sun protection – sun cream, and a hat. Time flies when you are having fun and it’s easy to get sunburn during long periods of exposure. Even if you don’t feel hot, the sun is still beating down on you!
10. Pack a reusable water bottle.
My final top tip for travelling in Austria is don’t forget your reusable water bottle – there’s nothing like the fresh mountain water!
I hope these top tips have inspired you to plan an adventure in Austria!
Have you been to Austria?
What are your Austria travel tips? I’d love to know!
Love as always + happy adventuring,