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The ups and downs of solo travel... is it worth it?

The short answer in my opinion, is yes…

Solo travel is worth it.

But my opinion of solo travel is one of thousands and my experiences are totally unique to me.

Of course solo travelling isn’t for everyone, but I’ve never heard someone say they regret doing it. Whether it went swimmingly or tits up, you learn, you grow and you’ll be thankful for what it taught you. You will never be the same again after solo travelling and for most, it’s the pinnacle event in their self development.

You can read more about my personal journey through solo travel here.


For this post I’ve asked some of my travel girlfriends (faces you may recognise) to share their experiences of solo travel with you, in hope you obtain a a better idea of what challenges and personal journeys may lie ahead for you…

Wanderlust Chloe (Chloe Gunning)

Blog/social links: @wanderlustchloe

The ups and downs of Solo Travel... is it worth it? | Where's Mollie? A travel and adventure lifestyle blog

What did you love most about solo travelling?

So many things! I guess the amazing combo of freedom, motivation and newfound confidence that it brought. It’s an amazing feeling when you realise you can do whatever you want, when you want. But in order to live life to the full on your solo travels you need to push yourself to try new things, make new friends and let yourself go!

What did you find most difficult about solo travelling?

Loneliness. I think it’s one of the hardest parts about travelling solo. Everyone needs a bit of alone time, but extended periods without anyone to chat to can be really challenging.

How did you overcome it? Did you overcome it?

It can be easy to lose a bit of confidence when you’re feeling lonely or homesick, but the best thing I found was to put a brave face on and strike up a conversation with anyone who would listen! The guy at the hostel reception, in the bar, at the restaurant etc. In hostels in particular, there were always others travelling solo and often they were just as desperate for some company as I was!

What’s your number one tip on staying safe while travelling solo?

Don’t be an idiot. It might sound harsh, but I haven’t had any major issues while travelling solo, and I think it’s because I’ve erred on the side of caution! I don’t tend to walk down dark alleys at 4am on my own or accept drinks from strangers. It doesn’t have to stop you from having fun, but listen to your gut.

What’s your number one tip on making friends when solo travelling?

Relax and be yourself! Even if you’re the shyest girl on the planet, you’ll still make friends. I’d recommend researching accommodation to find places that have a social atmosphere. Definitely look for a hostel rather than a hotel, but remember some hostels are better than others for meeting people. Look for one with a bar or communal space and listings of tours or social activities.

Why has solo travelling been important on your personal journey?

My solo adventures have been my most rewarding ones! Every day I was away I felt I achieved something, learned new things and developed more confidence, patience and the happy-go-lucky attitude I have today! It’s something I think everyone should do, and while it may feel daunting, I promise you’ll return so happy you did it!

Top tip: For more ideas on how to overcome homesickness, read this post!

Emily Luxton

Blog/social links: @em_luxton

The ups and downs of Solo Travel... is it worth it? | Where's Mollie? A travel and adventure lifestyle blog

What did you love most about solo travelling?

I’ve travelled both as a couple (with my ex) and single, and what I really loved about going solo was discovering exactly who I am and what I’m capable of. There’s nothing like being confronted with vast amounts of total freedom to make you realise exactly what kind of person you are and what you want to do!

What did you find most difficult about solo travelling?

I’m naturally very shy and can get very uncomfortable in social situations, especially around new people. It’s still so scary to me to arrive at a hostel where I don’t know anyone and try to make friends.

How did you overcome it? Did you overcome it?

Honestly, it’s all just down to practice. The more times you do it, the more you know you can do it. I still get scared every time I have to meet new people or step out of my comfort zone, but I just remind myself of all the times I’ve done it before and how well it’s always worked out.

What’s your number one tip on staying safe when travelling solo?

Do research! Know the areas to avoid in advance and be aware of any common travel scams in an area. And just keep your wits about you. Most of being safe is just using your common sense. Don’t go down empty roads at night and don’t wander around with tons of cash in your bag. If you’re not sure about an area, ask a local, preferably someone working at your hotel or in a restaurant.

What’s your number one tip on making friends when solo travelling?

Be prepared to say yes to anything. Just keep an open mind and try to be ready for anything. If someone asks you to dinner or if you want to go on a tour with them, just say yes. My instinct is often to say no because I like to avoid awkward situations like going out with someone I just met… but if you say yes you may just wind up making an amazing friend or having a crazy adventure!

Why has solo travelling been important on your personal journey?

When I broke up with my ex two years ago I was a mess. We’d been together six years and all I really knew was how to be one half of that relationship. I wasn’t really my own person, and I was terrible at doing things for myself, or making my own decisions. After I started travelling solo, I really began to discover who I was and what I could do. I was forced to make decisions for myself and figure everything out for myself. And I also found that I was much better at doing things for myself than my ex ever had been; I was stronger and more confident without him. It was such an important discovery for me and over the past couple of years I’ve learnt so much about myself and what I want.

Top tip: For the best advice on staying safe during your solo travels, read this post!


Blog/social links: @VickyFlipFlop

The ups and downs of Solo Travel... is it worth it? | Where's Mollie? A travel and adventure lifestyle blog

What did you love most about solo travelling?

The freedom to do exactly as you please every day and not worry about anyone else.

What did you find most difficult about solo travelling?

Having the same conversations with new people over and over again. Not having someone around who really knew me and who I could share in jokes, or history with.

How did you overcome it? Did you overcome it?

I travelled solo for two years but in my third year I mixed it up with travelling with friends and actually travelling to places where I knew friends would be.

What’s your number one tip on staying safe when travelling solo?

If the situation doesn’t feel right don’t be afraid to leave, however much it might cost you financially or by looking disrespectful.

What’s your number one tip on making friends when solo travelling?

Join a tour for a day or two and be the first person to make a move. Look up from your phone and get chatting!

Why has solo travelling been important on your personal journey?

Travelling solo helped me to get through a difficult break up. It also helped me to see more of the world than I ever thought possible, and to make many friends along the way. It also taught be a lot about myself and to be perfectly happy in my own company, which I think is a very important lesson for anyone to learn.

Not sure whether to go on a group tour or travel solo? We compare solo travel and group travel in this blog post

Silverspoon London (Angie)

Blog/social links:  @angiesilverspoon

The ups and downs of Solo Travel... is it worth it? | Where's Mollie? A travel and adventure lifestyle blog

What did you love most about solo travelling?

Though my experience was minimal, I really did enjoy the opportunity to go at my own pace.

What did you find most difficult about solo travelling?

What I found difficult was being a little lonely, having lunch on my own, having no one to have a drink with and no one to appreciate beautiful experiences with. I experienced solo travel on a press trip (with work) so it was only for a weekend. Had I experienced it for longer or in a different environment it may well have been different.

Why has solo travelling been important on your personal journey?

Personally, from the small taste that I had of solo travel, it wasn’t for me. It certainly made me appreciate having people to be able to travel with so all in all it was a positive learning curve.

For top tips on how to make friends while you’re solo travelling, read this post!

For more solo travel advice, watch my video…

Have you solo travelled?

What did you think about the experience? I’d love to know!

Love as always and happy adventuring,






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