A challenge to stay present and find balance on my travels
As you may well have read on my blog, the last 6 months have been a huge transition for me.
At the beginning of the year I had a burn out that sent red flags flying and I realised that the way I had been executing my life was unhealthy.
I wasn’t switching off enough. I wasn’t recharging my body for long enough before heading out on the next job / plane ride and I was mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.
You can read more about my thoughts going through this big transition here.

In short, March saw me move into a new flat in London with my best friend and I invested my time and money into making myself a home. That’s not to say I vowed to stop travelling, but I vowed to implement balance and to give my body the down time I now knew it needed for my lifestyle to be sustainable.
Then last month Microsoft Windows got in touch and presented to me the HP Envy x2 device, a Windows PC. It is an always connected laptop which provides constant access to the internet thanks to the SIM card that’s installed in the device.
I was intrigued. Not only by its touch screen, slimline design, Bang & Olufsen speakers, removable keyboard, stylus pen or the face recognition but by how insanely good the battery life was.
These always connected devices are designed to make it easy for you to be more productive, so that you can then have more time to enjoy and pursue your passions no matter where you are.
For me, I’d like to see myself implementing the downtime and mindfulness into my routine not just when I’m at home but when I’m on the road too.
Within that, my biggest challenge comes down to time. Prioritising the time to do the above when I have such a huge list of other tasks to complete.
Over the coming months I’ll be utilising the convenience, speed and connectivity that the HP Envy 2 offers, to work towards this goal of finding balance in whatever country I’m in and whatever job I’m on. Microsoft Windows will be helping me on this journey, with the help of a mentor who will be able to coach my yoga skills remotely, through the devices’ useful tools.
I’m excited to be working with Microsoft Windows on this and I cannot wait to show you more of what device offers.
This post was written by myself as part of my partnership with Microsoft Windows. Visit windows.com or @MicrosoftUK for more information on the always connected devices and stay tuned to see the next part of my journey!
Have You Used A Microsoft Device?
What was your experience like?
Love as always + happy adventuring,
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