30 things to do at home when you’re bored
The pandemic has had most of us spend more time than usual at home this year and whilst there are many things we can do to stay positive about the pandemic it’s still a struggle at time to keep spirits high at home.
It can be great, catching up with family and enjoying the quality time you don’t usually have, but working from home, living at home and having to spend all your time at home can take its toll. It can be hard to think of things to do at home when you’re bored, especially if you’ve got caught up in a routine and mindset of not being able to do anything while you’re there.
Whether you’re looking for things to do in lockdown, quarantine or self-isolation, or looking more generally for things to do at home, perhaps during the holidays when you have a little more free time on your hands, this list of things to do when you’re bored is going to inspire you, reinvigorate you and help you make the best use of the time that you have in the best way for you.
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The best things to do at home when you’re bored…
1. Have a clear out and organise your life and living space.
One of the most productive things to do when you’re at home and you’re bored is to sort out your stuff! It might seem like a chore, but clearing out your clothes, books and belongings, sorting what can be given to charity and what needs to be thrown can be really therapeutic.
You can also organise your life and work, with some useful apps and getting yourself sorted with a planner. Check out all my top tips for organising your life in this blog post.
2. Set some new goals.
You don’t just have to set goals at New Year. If you’re stuck at home, maybe during lockdown, and you’re looking for things to do, this might be the perfect time to clear your headspace and think about what you really want. What do you want to achieve by the end of this year? What about in the next 5 years? And how are you, realistically, going to work towards making those dreams a reality?
Here’s how I set my goals so that they are achievable and I can really make my dreams come true.
3. Plan your next adventure.
Travelling during the pandemic isn’t allowed in some places, restricted in others, and even if you can travel at the moment, it’s not quite the same.
If you do find a way to travel, read my ways to stay safe when travelling during COVID-19 here.
Rather than being sad about what you can’t do, get excited about what’s next: where are you going to go and who with? How long for? What are you going to do there?
Planning your next trip will give you something to look forward to and increase the well-needed positive mindset to get you through being stuck at home.
Check out my guide to planning and researching your next adventure here.
4. Pick up a new book.
I don’t know about you, but my ‘to read’ pile by my bed and on my bookshelf is getting bigger and bigger. Work and life can get in the way and mean that you sacrifice your reading time, but sometimes there’s nothing better than getting stuck into a new book and forgetting about the outside world.
Looking for reading inspiration? Check out my reading list here.
5. Create a travel bucket list.
Everyone has a bucket list of places they want to go, even if it’s just in their head. If you’re looking for things to do when you’re bored and stuck at home, get those lists on paper and think about everywhere you want to travel and what you want to do when you’re there. If you’re looking for a starting point, try my…
- Canada bucket list
- Europe bucket list
- Sicily bucket list
- Backpacking bucket list
- UK bucket list
- East Coast Australia bucket list
- Europe van life bucket list
Looking for more travel inspiration and travel bucket lists?
6. Start journalling.
Journalling can be a great way to clear your head at the start and end of each day, and also a great way to increase your awareness. It’s also a great way to really get to know yourself, work through difficult emotions, set goals, and appreciate all the things and people you have around you.
If you’ve never written a journal before and you don’t know where to start, check out these 10 journal prompts to get you going.
7. Play.
When’s the last time you had time to play, get creative, and just make or do something for the sake of it, because you want to?
Dr Stuart Brown defines ‘play’ as having seven properties: it’s purposeless (not for any reason, deadline or goal), voluntary, attractive (you like the idea of doing it), you lose your sense of time, it diminishes self-consciousness, it is open for improvisation, and it’s desirable (you want to keep doing it). And Dr Brené Brown insists that adults make time for play and that it’s not just for children, as it is healthy and can clear mental space where creativity and ideas flourish.
Whether you choose a game, a puzzle, colouring, art work or another creative project… take some time to play when you’re bored at home.
8. Learn how to meditate.
Learning to meditate changed my life. Being able to sit in the present moment, forget my ego, and just exist for a while helped me through some very difficult times and is something that I now incorporate into my daily life. If you’re bored at home and looking for some routine and some clarity, meditation is for you.
If you’ve never meditated before, check out my complete guide to meditation for beginners here.
9. Try online workout classes.
Keeping your body moving without the routine of going to the gym or walking to and from work can be tough during lockdown. If you’re looking for things to do at home, you can still exercise! There are so many exercise classes on YouTube and Instagram now, and many gyms and trainers are even offering gym classes through the likes of Zoom.
My good friend Cat Meffan has an amazing Yoga YouTube channel and my other girlfriend Lilly Sabri has an epic HIIT / pilates YouTube channel.
There are so many – you can find whatever you’re looking for on YouTube. It’s crazy!
10. Make a scrapbook of all your favourite photos and memories.
Go through your camera roll, Instagram feed and Facebook albums and choose all your favourite photos. Dig out all the old ticket stubs you have from trips gone by. Order yourself a scrapbook, as well as some nice pens, washi tape and other decorative bits you like. And get cutting and sticking!
I love scrapbooking as it helps me reflect on the really good memories that I’ve had when travelling and when at home, and gives me something really lovely to look through on a down day! Scrapbooks also make wonderful gifts for friends and family.
11. Show your nearest and dearest that you love them.
Whether it’s some quality time over Zoom, handwriting them a letter and putting in the post, or making something, there are many ways to show your loved ones that you care. Even if you are physically distant from them now, check out these ideas to really show your gratitude and appreciation for your family and friends.
12. Test out a new recipe.
Everyone loves save recipes on Pinterest or Instagram, but I always find that I never have the time to actually try them out and experiment. Well now is the perfect time!
Not sure where to start? What about…
- Beetroot falafels
- Sweet potato & carrot soup
- Warming turmeric, berry & chia oats
- Broccoli, spinach & mint soup
13. Take a virtual tour or watch a live webcam of somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit.
While we can’t travel, there are some great ways to “see” the world through an online lens. Definitely not the same, but also a great way to see places that would normally be heaving with tourists when they are at their quietest.
Consider “visiting”…
- The USA National Parks on a virtual tour. Check out my USA National Parks bucket list here.
- Piazza San Marco in Venice.
- Tsavo East National Park in Kenya: go on “safari” on the webcam and see if you can see the Big 5! Check out my safari experience in Kenya here.
There are also lots of museums, aquariums and more that have developed virtual tours to allow you to explore from home!
14. Enjoy some new podcasts.
As much as I’ve got into reading recently, I also love a good podcast. I often listen to them when I’m driving, especially if I’m going on a big road trip across Europe, but there’s no reason for this to stop at home. Podcasts are also great for multitasking: when you’re tidying your room, cooking or getting creative you can put one on in the background. They’re really easy to find (there are lots of podcast apps, or you can find them on streaming services like Spotify) and on a whole variety of topics.
Some of my favourite podcasts include…
- The Guilty Feminist (Deborah Frances-White)
- ‘Unlocking us’ and ‘Dare to lead’ (Dr Brené Brown)
- Happy Place (Fearne Cotton)
- No such thing as a fish (good for learning lots of random but cool things!)
- Casefile (true crime)
- I weigh (Jameela Jamil)
- JaackMaate’s happy hour (comedy)
15. Live stream the Northern Lights.
Been wanting to travel to Canada, Iceland or Finland to see the Northern Lights? Well, it might not be quite as magical as the live experience but thanks for Explore.org, you can live stream the Northern Lights in Manitoba, Canada, straight from your bed, sofa, or wherever you want! Click the link and marvel at the beauty of the Aurora Borealis.
16. Watch the stars.
Perhaps easier if you live in an area with little light pollution and or an outdoor space, but one of my favourite things to do at home is sit in the garden, snuggle up and watch the stars. You can even download apps such as SkyView so that you can learn about the constellations and planets, creating a planetarium in your pocket!
17. Make your own cocktails.
Buy a cocktail set and some spirits and mixers, and get the drinks flowing! Cocktails in London and other big cities can be great fun, but also costly, so one advantage of doing it at home is the money you’ll save! But, you can also have fun getting creative with family and friends, with some unique concoctions or your favourite cocktail just the way you like it!
18. Start learning the language of the place you want to travel next.
I absolutely love trying to learn a few phrases in the language of the place I’m going to travel to next, even if it’s just the basics like hello and goodbye, please and thank you. It can really make a difference to how you interact with the locals if you put a little effort in, and we shouldn’t be expected to be spoken to in English everywhere we go. Apps such as Memrise and Duolingo can help you learn the basics you need to start your trip abroad, and if you find a language that you love, you could even start online lessons!
19. Live stream theatre performances from the comfort of your own home.
Going to the theatre is one of the best things to do in London, but if you’re looking for things to do at home… the show must go on! Lots of theatres are live streaming their performances, for free and/or for a small charge, so you can enjoy the theatre experience in your living room. As a starting point, you could try:
- The Shows Must Go On! YouTube channel: free performances to watch for a limited time.
- National Theatre at Home: a theatre streaming service. Rent performances from £5 or subscribe for unlimited viewing from £7 a month.
- Globe Player: Shakespeare theatre streaming service. There is some free content, or you can buy or rent performances to watch or send as gifts.
20. Watch something new (or repeat your all-time favourite series).
I don’t think you need to be told twice to put Netflix on… one of the most common things to do at home when you’re bored is to start a new show or repeat one of your favourites.
Team up with a friend and watch the same series together. Schedule phone calls after you’ve both finished an episode or series and discuss whats happened. One step further… write a little quiz on the series and test how much you both stayed awake for it! Haha!
21. Play some online games with friends.
If you’re not into Xbox or Playstation… do not fear – there are other games here! Haha but seriously… engaging in a game online with a friend is a lovely way to stay connected and add some humour to your days.
- downloading ScrabbleGO – Get it on the App Store
- Uno online – Get it on the App Store
- Houseparty – Get it on the App Store
- Mario Kart Tour – Get it on the App Store
- Monopoly – Get it on the App Store
See my top tips and ways to keep a long-distance relationship alive here.
- Search netgames.io
- Search skribble.io
- Steam
The last 3 are all places for online games that work for Zoom.
If you are lucky enough to have your friends with you in person, consider buying a new card game like uno, dos or an old school game like Frustration!
22. Put your headphones in, choose a Spotify playlist, and have a boogie in your own silent disco.
Going out dancing or clubbing and having house parties is off the cards at the moment, but everyone loves the release and joy you can get from a dance! Put on some tunes and throw your best moves! Not only do headphones mimic silent discos, but they also mean that you don’t disturb the people that you’re living with or your neighbours! Shop my headphones here.
You can see all my Spotify playlists here.
23. Redo your room and do the DIY projects you keep talking about.
Now that you’ve cleared out, it’s time to rethink how you want your room to look! Whether it’s some new bedding, a couple of house plants and something for the wall or a full DIY room renovation, get the creative juices flowing and personalise your living space.
If you’re looking for some prints for your room, check out my Presence print collection and my Nazaré print collection.
24. Take an online course or learn a new skill on YouTube.
Whether it’s learning to crochet, learning some new video editing skills or learning how to make candles… try something new!
There are endless amounts of YouTube videos that will have you learning a new skill, career path or trade.
Many people learn how to convert their campervans with YouTube alone! Go hard or go home, right?
Watch my VW T5 van conversion on YouTube here.
25. Get creative and make something.
Got a friends birthday coming up? Christmas? Mothers Day?
Go DIY. They are the best presents after all. Make something that you’d usually buy. That could be:
- Christmas cards
- home-baked cookies for a special delivery
- a celebration banner to hang up
- 52 reasons why i love you cards
Get on Pinterest and start getting some ideas rolling. DIY is usually very low cost but very highly appreciated by the person receiving it!
Score some brownie points and let the people you love know that you care.
26. Download Waterbear and get in touch with nature by watching an incredible documentary
We all love anything David Attenborough does right? When we watch any of his incredible creations, we are instantly present with him and his passion for the earth, our home.
Waterbear is a brand new platform dedicated to the future of our planet. It’s basically a Netflix for the planet. It’s filled with incredibly stunning and mind-blowing documentaries and short videos that also will, I have no doubt, inspire you to give back to mother nature.
It’s so important that, when we have time, we make time for the planet we live on. Whether that’s watching a documentary and spreading the word/starting conversations or getting out there and taking conscious action. Take the time and come together with the planet. It needs us to wake up.
27. Host a themed dinner party for your household / for yourself
Treat yourself / the people you live with to a special evening.
You could theme it by country, by West End show, by colour or by cuisine. Spice up your dinner time and give everyone something to look forward to. Use Pinterest to inspire decoration and outfits and then try out a new dish or two and get creative with the menu!
If you really have time on your hands, design a menu, send out invites and design a playlist to go with the evening!
28. Invest in your self-care routine
When you’re bored at home with what feels like nothing to do… it’s the perfect time to check-in with your self-care routine. We’ve mentioned trying your hand at meditation and journaling but if that’s not up your street why don’t you just invest in some new gorgeous scented bubble baths, bath lotions or hair products?
There’s nothing like prioritising some slow, me time in the form of a bath and all the yummy hydrating skin treatments…
You can shop all my favourite wellbeing products here.
29. Do a DIY facial
Girls, we’ve all done this before and, yes it may not be the salon, but putting your face over the steam from a pan of boiling water will most definitely open your pores ready for exfoliation… and save you lots of pennies!
Spend the money you would spend on one facial at your local salon and do a DIY spa day.
My favourite at-home spa products are Elemis and Skinceuticals.
30. Rest, catch up on sleep and take the time to just ‘be’.
Don’t feel pressure to be super productive with all the time you have; our minds and bodies need downtime too. Lockdown, self-isolation and the pandemic in general are not easy times to get through, so well done you for surviving. Catch up on sleep, soak in the bath, and simply do nothing. You have time for everything else!

What do you do when you’re bored?
Where are your favourite things to do at home? Anything you’d add?
Love as always and happy adventuring,
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